Photo of the Week #105

This year, I have had a very busy year photographing concerts and festivals and it isn’t over yet. I still have a few local shows to shoot and maybe even a couple of big ones in Ottawa, you never know. I love all concerts, but I would have to say my favorite are the festivals. I do some of the smallish ones where things are a bit more laid back and that suits me fine. I listen to great music and it seems almost every time I go to a festival I end up being introduced to some new music that I end up loving. I also an lucky enough to meet a lot of the musicians and it amazes me how great these people are. Canadian or American, it doesn’t matter when it comes to music. Pictured here is Rod Williams, playing harmonica with Wicked Grin at The Limestone City Blues Festival. He even got invited up with The Ghost Town Blues Band! What a time that was!


Photo of the Week #104

This barn was a landmark of sorts near Keene, New York in the heart of the Adirondacks. I visited it several times and it was also a popular subject for many photographers and painters over the years. It was nestled in this valley in front of this magnificent backdrop of the high peaks for many decades. Sadly, it was taken down for safety reasons in December of 2016. It will be missed by those who knew it to be sure.


Photo of the Week #103

This photo is from a place I go to often. It is down the road a few minutes from our house and I like it because it's a small cliff and you can see out over the sea and whatever creatures might be there. I have sat here and watched seals bobbing around and feeding, I have also watched pods of porpoise playing as they moved along the coast. Even when there are no animals to watch, you have the waves most of the time. Most of the time is key here as the last few trips to the coast for me have been pretty calm, waves weren't really there. I have gone to this place so many times and photographed elements of it, but this time I used my wide lens to capture as much of it as I could and used a slow shutter to help with the movement of the water. It took me three trips to get what I got in this frame as the weather wouldn't cooperate. The first two evenings I got heavy cloud cover and it didn't work. I wanted that late day sun to warm up the rocks. This day was another day where to the west wee heavy clouds but as the sun came down, it came through a break and briefly lit up the rocks with this nice warm light. I imagine I will find myself here on another day, waiting for the light to be right, but till then, this is my favorite shot of this location.

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Photo of the Week #102

This is The Queensport Light, it's located very close to our house in Nova Scotia and is a welcome sight when you come around the bend after a long drive to the east coast. Sometimes if you're lucky, on an overcast evening, the light might peak through the clouds and get underneath just before it disappears below the horizon. This is what happened here. I have literally hundreds of photos of this lighthouse but I don't have many that I can say I really like but this is one that I do.

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Photo of the Week #101

Here I am leaving it way too long to post something here. I mean well and want to post, but life gets in the way a lot these days. This is an image I shot awhile back, 2012 to be exact, in Gairloch, Scotland. These are the mountains we viewed out or living room window, pretty hard to put up with! This was nearing sunset one evening, just before the sun slipped below the horizon. We didn't see a lot sunsets in Scotland due to the atmospheric tenancies of the Scottish weather, but every once in awhile you got something special just at the right time. I loved the way the sun was just kissing the peaks of the mountains but even more, the clouds that are capping each peak. This image would have been dramatic as a full pano, but this is just a pano crop from the original image so it could never be printed big, but I still like it.
