Photo of the Week #103

This photo is from a place I go to often. It is down the road a few minutes from our house and I like it because it's a small cliff and you can see out over the sea and whatever creatures might be there. I have sat here and watched seals bobbing around and feeding, I have also watched pods of porpoise playing as they moved along the coast. Even when there are no animals to watch, you have the waves most of the time. Most of the time is key here as the last few trips to the coast for me have been pretty calm, waves weren't really there. I have gone to this place so many times and photographed elements of it, but this time I used my wide lens to capture as much of it as I could and used a slow shutter to help with the movement of the water. It took me three trips to get what I got in this frame as the weather wouldn't cooperate. The first two evenings I got heavy cloud cover and it didn't work. I wanted that late day sun to warm up the rocks. This day was another day where to the west wee heavy clouds but as the sun came down, it came through a break and briefly lit up the rocks with this nice warm light. I imagine I will find myself here on another day, waiting for the light to be right, but till then, this is my favorite shot of this location.

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