Hello and welcome to my site, my little corner of the web. This is the place where I tell you about me, do you know how hard it is to tell write about yourself? I am a landscape and travel photographer based in Kingston, Ontario. What began as a fun little hobby has grown for me to the point where I obsess over it. I work all the time to learn as much as possible.

For the last several years I’ve mostly been working as a concert photographer where I’ve been fortunate enough to photograph many well-known personalities in the business including some of my heroes that I grew up listening to. Concert photography has it’s perks, but it isn’t without a price.

As I get older, I find my priorities have changed and I feel it’s time for me to leave the noisy and crowded concert venues behind and return to the more relaxing landscape work that I love so much. My wife is also a photographer and we like to get out together and see what we can get into. Give me a beautiful mountain scene or a spot on a seaside cliff any day!

I am also a member of my local photographic club where I am very active, being the competition director as well as webmaster. I find both responsibilities very rewarding.

I am an editor, meaning that I truly love to sit down with a hot cup of tea and edit photos, often with some music on. I see all those ads offering presets and AI driven software that will batch edit your images for you!, can you imagine? I am of the belief that photography consists of two equal parts, the making of the image and the editing of it later in post. The post processing is where you add yourself into the shot. That’s what gives it life in my opinion. We have some wonderful technology available to us but everything in moderation I think.

I plan on setting up some e-commerce pages on the site as time permits and sell some of my work. Most things you see on the site will be available as prints so if you’re interested, let me know and we can chat.

The most important thing to me is to make images that I love while having experiences that I will remember forever. If others feel something with from my photography that is the icing on the cake. If I can make you feel an emotion my job is complete.