Photo of the Week #105

This year, I have had a very busy year photographing concerts and festivals and it isn’t over yet. I still have a few local shows to shoot and maybe even a couple of big ones in Ottawa, you never know. I love all concerts, but I would have to say my favorite are the festivals. I do some of the smallish ones where things are a bit more laid back and that suits me fine. I listen to great music and it seems almost every time I go to a festival I end up being introduced to some new music that I end up loving. I also an lucky enough to meet a lot of the musicians and it amazes me how great these people are. Canadian or American, it doesn’t matter when it comes to music. Pictured here is Rod Williams, playing harmonica with Wicked Grin at The Limestone City Blues Festival. He even got invited up with The Ghost Town Blues Band! What a time that was!
