Photo of the Week #101

Here I am leaving it way too long to post something here. I mean well and want to post, but life gets in the way a lot these days. This is an image I shot awhile back, 2012 to be exact, in Gairloch, Scotland. These are the mountains we viewed out or living room window, pretty hard to put up with! This was nearing sunset one evening, just before the sun slipped below the horizon. We didn't see a lot sunsets in Scotland due to the atmospheric tenancies of the Scottish weather, but every once in awhile you got something special just at the right time. I loved the way the sun was just kissing the peaks of the mountains but even more, the clouds that are capping each peak. This image would have been dramatic as a full pano, but this is just a pano crop from the original image so it could never be printed big, but I still like it.
