Photo of the Week #228

I have always been a person who cropped to a standard aspect ratio, you know, 8x10, 16x20, 36x24, that sort of thing. The main reason was so in the event I wanted to print the images, it would be easy to obtain matts, frames and glass for framing. Odd sized photos meant custom Matts at least and therefore, more cash. You know how many images I’ve actually framed? Not many.

The image below was used in a “Critique Night” at my local club and it was suggested to me that the photo may be stronger if I brought the bottom up a little closer to the cliff. Originally, I left a significant strip of water between the camera and the cliff. I gave it a look when I got home and this is the result.

As always, would love to hear comments and constructive criticism.

Photo of the Week # 224

Learning the art of photography is a daunting task if you want to improve. there are many different views on composition, editing and pretty much everything else. The trouble is that like everything else in art, it is subjective. Personally, I follow several YouTube photographers and that helps to inspire me in my own work. Sometimes I may run across a photographer that makes me second guess myself and what I do. This is a time that I have to remind myself that I have to stick with what I feel is the right approach for me. Since I am creating my work for me first, I have to stay true to myself. If others like it, that’s wonderful, but if not, that’s ok too.

Photo of the Week #220

The shot below is a shot I made in southern Utah. With all the famous places in southern Utah, this one might not be as recognizable as others, but that’s one of the things I like to do. Millions of people have images of Monument Valley (so do I), but sometimes you find places that are just as beautiful as the iconic spots but not as “peopley”. Since photographers began sharing their work online, some places are now inundated with people, all lining up to shoot the same photo that thousands before them have already got. You know the old story…..when all the peole are busy looking in one direction, sometimes all you have to do is to look the other.

Photo of the Week #214

I have said it many times over the years that you should revisit certain images as time goes by. You gain experience and know-how and so does the software we use for edits. Often you can breathe new life into an image and it is certain;y worth looking at. This particular image has been used in another form a couple of years ago but it didn’t do it for me in some ways. This re-work of the image is my final edit, I’m calling it done now, officially. “Feeling Blue”

Photo of the Week #205

When you’re literally surrounded by beauty in every direction, it provides so much inspiration! This one location offers you many different compositions depending on conditions. We spent lots of time right here. On this trip, we wanted to shoot more deliberate and went for quality over quantity. We waited out conditions or light to get the picture often. Traveling makes it hard to be in the right place at the right time so we slowed it down a lot and truthfully we enjoyed it more because of that I think.

Ha Ling Peak, Canmore