Photo of the Week #214

I have said it many times over the years that you should revisit certain images as time goes by. You gain experience and know-how and so does the software we use for edits. Often you can breathe new life into an image and it is certain;y worth looking at. This particular image has been used in another form a couple of years ago but it didn’t do it for me in some ways. This re-work of the image is my final edit, I’m calling it done now, officially. “Feeling Blue”

Photo of the Week #203

We just got back from a few days in the beautiful Rocky Mountains in Alberta Canada. Our base there was Canmore so how can you not take advantage of “The Three Sisters”, likely Canmore’s most iconic subject. I hear lots of talk about the value of shooting these “iconic” subjects, the ones that have been shot so many times by just as many photographers. Lots of people think those shots are of little value. I, personally think you should shoot what makes you happy, after all, I do this for my enjoyment, right?

-Photo of the Week #176

This image was made in Nova Scotia on the “Eastern Shore”. I love shooting moving water because you can play with the shutter and put your own mark on it. I don’t like when the exposure on the moving water goes too smooth, it just looks wrong in my mind. I like it just slow enough to show some movement. This was at .6 of a second and I really think this worked just right. The affect of movement is good while still showing detail.

Up The River

Up The River

Photo of the Week #141

It’s been too long since I’ve posted a photo here. I started out saying I was going to post at least one photo a week here. Now it is pretty hard to get out here in Ontario. I was out a couple of days ago doing a job for a client and although I was more than keeping my distance on almost deserted streets, I was gaining some unwanted attention in one place so I got out of there pretty quickly. Lots of divided people out there.

On a happier note, I’ve been working on a couple of projects that I have wanted to do for some time. One of these projects involves going through my back catalog and looking for photos. Sometimes I find a photo that maybe I had trouble with, or sometimes I just look at a photo differently and it becomes more interesting to me. Often it’s the fact that my processing skills have improved, allowing me to be more creative. Love it!

The photo below is Loch Broom in Ulapool, Scotland. I love big skies and the clouds here really interested me.
