Photo of the Week # 207

When I travel typically, I end up with photos that I am really not pleased with. Travel photography often means that I don’t take my time and really do what I intend and when I get home, I am dissatisfied with my work. My wife and I have talked about this many times and we are trying to change the way we travel a bit and take our time. Often, we try to do too much and that just isn’t conducive to good photography.

The image below is a 2:1 aspect ration pano pf Payto Lake. I did a few but I think this was a 12 frame pano and is printable to at least 48 inches wide. This would look wonderful over a sofa, would love to see it.

Peyto Lake, Alberta

Photo of the Week #205

When you’re literally surrounded by beauty in every direction, it provides so much inspiration! This one location offers you many different compositions depending on conditions. We spent lots of time right here. On this trip, we wanted to shoot more deliberate and went for quality over quantity. We waited out conditions or light to get the picture often. Traveling makes it hard to be in the right place at the right time so we slowed it down a lot and truthfully we enjoyed it more because of that I think.

Ha Ling Peak, Canmore

Photo of the Week #203

We just got back from a few days in the beautiful Rocky Mountains in Alberta Canada. Our base there was Canmore so how can you not take advantage of “The Three Sisters”, likely Canmore’s most iconic subject. I hear lots of talk about the value of shooting these “iconic” subjects, the ones that have been shot so many times by just as many photographers. Lots of people think those shots are of little value. I, personally think you should shoot what makes you happy, after all, I do this for my enjoyment, right?