Photo of the Week #226

I was asked the other day what the shutter speed was and I had to look it up as I had no idea. I shot this at 1/1000 of a second. This required a higher ISO of course which some try to avoid due to noise issues. I would rather make sure I get the shot than have a blurry one, besides, high ISO isn’t really what causes noise, poor exposure does. Today’s noise removal software works very well nowadays anyway. This particular shot required nothing in the way of noise removal.

This image was chosen in a club competition as first place in November. I’m proud of this accomplishment because Nature isn’t my strong suit. At the end of the year, the photo also was judged as “Photo Of The Year” as well.

Gannet With Food

Photo of the Week # 224

Learning the art of photography is a daunting task if you want to improve. there are many different views on composition, editing and pretty much everything else. The trouble is that like everything else in art, it is subjective. Personally, I follow several YouTube photographers and that helps to inspire me in my own work. Sometimes I may run across a photographer that makes me second guess myself and what I do. This is a time that I have to remind myself that I have to stick with what I feel is the right approach for me. Since I am creating my work for me first, I have to stay true to myself. If others like it, that’s wonderful, but if not, that’s ok too.

Photo of the Week #215

I recently had the opportunity to go on a boat taking us to an area where seabirds with numbers in the thousands were nesting. One of my favourites were gannets. Some find them dull but I find them beautiful. Their subtle colours and beautiful markings make them a winner for me. We found their numbers were devastated last year due to Avian Flu but are bouncing back now. There is also found that you can tell who has had the flu. They have a black iris as opposed to the normal blue of a normal specimen. It is thought their vision is completely normal but you can still easily tell the difference.

Photo of the Week #196

Time really does fly. Remember when your parents, maybe grandparents joked around about it……’s true. This photo was made in 2015 while on an outing with the local photo club in Westport. This was just as day was breaking and these gulls were congregated on the end of the dock. I wanted to capture a shot of them all congregated there together. It didn’t work quite as planned, as I approached the gulls flew, almost all at once. I didn’t get the shot I planned, but I got another one that was equally as interesting.