Photo of the Wek #227

I’ve been a live music photographer for many years. I started by making contacts and getting into a few small shows. It began to snowball a bit once I got going and it led to more shows and eventually, I was shooting some pretty big names, even some heroes that I grew up listening to.

The pandemic happened and changed the world. During the lockdown period when music wasn’t happening, it gave me time to reflect and rethink my perspective. I was using mainly one camera body at the time that was getting a lot of clicks on it. I was literally using my camera up for a job that pays nothing. That’s right, none of the outlets I know of in my area pay a cent. Do others want my work? They sure do, but no one thinks they have to pay for it.

Since we have gone back to having shows, I have found that I just don’t have the interest like I did. I no longer want to spend so much time away from home. It costs me to produce my work and it is a skill that not everyone possesses so I feel I should be compensated for it. Photography has been devalued over time because of the flooding of cameras to the masses and there are now lineups of people who think it’s so cool to see their images used by outlets or bands, they will happily give them away for free.

Steve Earle

Photo of the Week #179

Lately I’ve been exploring the use of black and white in my concert photography. it has been said that photographing in black and white is photographing the soul of the person. There is certainly something about a good black and white that just looks great. Hue and colour all of a sudden mean nothing, you are dealing with tonality and composition, nothing else. I’m really liking the experience, it is making me look at photographs differently.

Patrick Simmons, The Doobie Brothers

- Photo of the Week #174

Limestone City Blues Festival was the weekend past. It was the 24th edition and seems to have great success even at this time, or maybe because of the time? This shot is Steve Marriner, an amazing musician during a performance at the festival. It was so nice to get to shoot on a full size stage again! Stay safe.

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- Photo of the Week # 173

Throughout the pandemic I have had the honour of working with some of the nicest people I’ve met in the music world. I’ve been photographing emerging indie artists at showcases at Happy Green Acres when restrictions have applied. It’s been a lot of fun, with social distancing and all the precautions in place we have still managed to have some live music!

This photo is of Kelsie Mayne from this past weekend. A shot I took from the stage and I really like it. The back lighting and softness of the shot works for me. Kelsi released her first album just before the lockdowns started so hasn’t been able to play it live for all these months so she was very excited to get back at it.

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