Photo of the Week # 180

We went out exploring the area Yesterday. The area we chose was still in colour but a bit more spotty than expected. This is a more intimate shot in a wooded area off of the road to Wesport.. We spotted the scene and a few minutes later, the sun came and lit it for us, couldn’t have planned it any better. Sometimes it works according to plan.

Photo of the Week #150

Recently, the local photography club I am part of had an outing at a local cemetery. Some people might think this is an odd place to photograph, but you can find beauty almost anywhere if you just look. This particular cemetery is filled with many impressive old trees that exhibit beautiful colour. Our target was light and shadow, right in my wheel house. Light can elevate a good photo to a great photo, I often tell people “it’s all about the light” .

Pettitt_Cat Cemetary-6105.jpg

Photo of the Week #149

We went out in search of autumn colour which was scarce. Weather conditions weren’t great, but we made the best of it. As my music photography has increased, I have found that my other interests such as landscape photography have suffered a lot and I miss it. I really had a good time and I’ve decided to force myself to get out and shoot a lot more often. Outside, fresh air, how could that ever be wrong? This image is from today at Otter Lake near Frontenac Park. We saw colour on the highway on the way but the colour was spotty at best. There seemed to be many bare trees already and we had to look for what little good colour we found.


Photo of the Week #144

It’s interesting to hear the questions I get asked about shooting live music. It’s a genre of photography that not everyone can just go and do so they seem to have a lot of questions. I know that I am very lucky to have the privilege to practice what I do. Colour related issues are my biggest challenge. No matter what colours are happening on a stage, I still try to get as “normal” skin tones as is possible. Red and that blue/purple light is the worst of all. Not only is there the obvious colour cast but it can sometimes rob you of detail too. I often struggle with this but this Sam Roberts show was especially heavy in the blue/purple range. I was able to get an acceptable skin tone after considerable time.
