Photo of the Week #242

Well, we are back safe and sound from our recent trip to Shetland. People have asked us what takes us there, it is many things. It’s a place that hasn’t been overrun by tourists so far. There have been places made popular by social media and suffered for it in my opinion. For one, I’m thinking of the American Southwest. If you have ever been there, you will understand the negative impact that has been experienced. Shetland is so full of peace, that does it for me. Even in the town of Lerwick, you don’t feel overwhelmed by crowds. This trip we did feel the pain of having our bags lost for the first time. This combined with cold and extremely windy conditions made for a bumpy start of our trip but eventually our bags arrived and we were able to get out and active. We walked a lot, we ventured to some new places from our first trip too. I have changed so much in my photography, I no longer overshoot. I’m more deliberate, finding compositions and sticking with it, quality over quantity sort of thing. We did have to deal with a good amount of completely overcast skies and a couple of times we were even hiking in the rain but I would rather have this than clear blue skies.