Photo of the Week #242

Well, we are back safe and sound from our recent trip to Shetland. People have asked us what takes us there, it is many things. It’s a place that hasn’t been overrun by tourists so far. There have been places made popular by social media and suffered for it in my opinion. For one, I’m thinking of the American Southwest. If you have ever been there, you will understand the negative impact that has been experienced. Shetland is so full of peace, that does it for me. Even in the town of Lerwick, you don’t feel overwhelmed by crowds. This trip we did feel the pain of having our bags lost for the first time. This combined with cold and extremely windy conditions made for a bumpy start of our trip but eventually our bags arrived and we were able to get out and active. We walked a lot, we ventured to some new places from our first trip too. I have changed so much in my photography, I no longer overshoot. I’m more deliberate, finding compositions and sticking with it, quality over quantity sort of thing. We did have to deal with a good amount of completely overcast skies and a couple of times we were even hiking in the rain but I would rather have this than clear blue skies.

Photo of the Week # 241

My wife and I just returned from the UK once again, Shetland to be exact. I’ll show some photos from there soon but I wanted to post a couple from St Giles Cathedral in Edinburgh today. This place is mind-blowing in it’s details. Dating back to the late medieval period, it is just loaded with history. Being on the Royal Mile, it is understandably busy and extremely hard to shoot. I decided to concentrate more on the higher details to avoid all the people.

Photo of the Week #240

Photographers seem to lean in one of two ways, one very technical, the other more creative. The creative people seem to be able to shoot completely unencumbered by all that technical clutter and pay little attention to it. On the other hand, technical people are often so involved in the technical side of things that it often stands in the way of even shooting. I’m afraid I suffer from the latter. I’m always reading and researching something.

That said, I try to do something a little more creative here and there. This is obviously done digitally so I don’t see a series of these in my future but it’s fun to have a play. Comments always welcome.