Change Is Good, Right?

In a world where people are gravitating toward ever growing MegaPixel counts, my wife and I have begun a leap into the micro four thirds world. For those who don’t know it, it’s a smaller sensor mirror-less camera system. It has some very positive merits to be sure, size and weight being big ones for us. Anyone who has traveled with a bag of full frame gear can relate. The 4/3 high quality sensors combined with some great and useful features makes them a perfect fit for some.

My camera body arrived yesterday and I’m excited to begin the journey!

Photo of the Week #177

Since I switched to Nikon a few years ago, I have missed having a second body to set up another lens. I fixed that recently, I got a really good deal on another body for this purpose.Thia particular body was reported to be extremely well known for high ISO/Low Noise and by looking at my tests thus far, I think it’s better for noise than my D810! What did I get? a D750. The photo below was made at 12,800 ISO and is plenty usable. I applied a little noise reduction but it’s fairly clean considering.

50mm, ISO: 12,800 f2.2 (Unedited)

50mm, ISO: 12,800 f2.2 (Unedited)