Change Is Good, Right?

In a world where people are gravitating toward ever growing MegaPixel counts, my wife and I have begun a leap into the micro four thirds world. For those who don’t know it, it’s a smaller sensor mirror-less camera system. It has some very positive merits to be sure, size and weight being big ones for us. Anyone who has traveled with a bag of full frame gear can relate. The 4/3 high quality sensors combined with some great and useful features makes them a perfect fit for some.

My camera body arrived yesterday and I’m excited to begin the journey!

Don't Be Afraid To Explore New Ideas

The colour version of this image hung in our livingroom for some time.I liked it initially but it didn’t last. I began to look at it and pick it apart, find more and more things that I didn’t like about the photograph. Sometimes that happens, you have to live with art for a bit sometimes I find, then you discover what you really think. In this case, the colours weren’t sitting well with me and I eventually got to the point that I needed to take it down. Judi had a great shot she made in Alberta that took it’s place. :)

Recently, I began playing around with the image as a black and white and it began to speak to me once again. If the colours were what I felt didn’t work, take it away and see what you’re left with. In this case I think the colour was standing in the way of the true interest in the photograph.
Comments and opinions always welcome.

Photo of the Week #233

I have been working behi1nd the scenes to get some much needed work done on the site. If you come back here periodically you will be seeing some updates that will help to make the overall experience better. I advocate for all photographers to have their own website, even if they aren’t actually a professional. Social media isn’t as friendly toward photographs as they once were and it’s getting hard to even be seen these days. Your own site is a sure way to display your work the way you want it to be displayed., no compression or alterations involved.

Photo of the Week #232

This morning was surprisingly foggy after the rain stopped. The fog seemed to hang around for quite a while since the sun couldn’t get through to burn it off. Had some fun and actually went out with my camera! Can you believe it? I need to get out more.

I got to editing and it kind of took me in two different directions, what do you think? All comments welcome.

Photo of the Week #231

The way I see it, there are two types of people who are photographers. This is generalizing it and there are of course exceptions but there are technical people and creative people. The technical people spend more time researching and learning about gear than shooting. I place myself firmly in this group. The other group are the creatives, the people who couldn’t care less about technical matters, they just want to be making good photographs above all else.

I have no idea if creativity is something you’re born with or if can be learned but I”m trying to look in different directions and to “see” differently. This image is one that I created recently using a double exposure idea. It is done in Photoshop as I want to retain control over the post-processing. My camera will do double exposure but it creates a jpg. output file that has already been processed by the camera.