As time goes by, I often lose track of it. It’s been a long time since any significant changes in my website. The name came and the site about when I started working as a concert photographer, I needed a name to put on the site so I could upload photographs, it was that simple. I still wish to maintain a web presence so it needs to be polished further than it is. I have been busy working “under the hood” a bit recently as well as planning the future of the website. There are a couple of changes that you will see right now. I’ve done away with the “Home” page and you now land into a photo gallery right away, it’s about the photos, right? Keep an eye on the site as it evolves.
2 Types of Photographers
I made this statement in a Facebook group and got flamed. I truly have come to the conclusion that there are two main types of photographers. There are creative ones and there are technical ones. Some argued that they are both but I tend to think they are not looking closely enough. Out of the photographers I know, if the person is super creative, they usually don’t bother themselves with the technical side of things. They can do what they do extremely well, but they have no idea about the how or the why.
The thing many creatives have in common is that they look at their gear as tools and care very little about the technical details of what they are using. Many of them know what they need to know to accomplish their particular work, but they just don’t care further than that. They don’t spend their time wondering if lens A is better than Lens B, they are too busy just creating.
I’m the nerd that researches every potential piece of gear to death before buying, making sure that I procure the best possible gear. I waste so much time learning and reading that I don’t even have time to shoot. How unproductive is that? I have made a few decisions lately that I am hoping will get me out shooting more and spending less time reading about it…..or watching YouTube videos as it were. I am making a real effort to spend much less time diving into technical mumbo jumbo and more creating some art.
The image below is actually a very old image but it has been my most popular image. It is Breakwater Park in Kingston long before the renovations that we see today. It isn’t a true monochrome but it’s close and I have decided to pursue this type of thing more. I really appreciate the idea of capturing images with little if any colour. It opens up so much for the viewer.
Foggy Morning
Photo of the Week # 204
Canada’s Rocky Mountains, one of the most beautiful places I’ve spent time. There is beauty in all directions, you just have to find a composition to enhance it. This is a scene from Canmore, Alberta we found. We experienced very little cloud in the sky while we were there, mostly clear blue skies so in this one, I excluded most of the sky.