As time goes by, I often lose track of it. It’s been a long time since any significant changes in my website. The name came and the site about when I started working as a concert photographer, I needed a name to put on the site so I could upload photographs, it was that simple. I still wish to maintain a web presence so it needs to be polished further than it is. I have been busy working “under the hood” a bit recently as well as planning the future of the website. There are a couple of changes that you will see right now. I’ve done away with the “Home” page and you now land into a photo gallery right away, it’s about the photos, right? Keep an eye on the site as it evolves.
Photo of the Week #203
We just got back from a few days in the beautiful Rocky Mountains in Alberta Canada. Our base there was Canmore so how can you not take advantage of “The Three Sisters”, likely Canmore’s most iconic subject. I hear lots of talk about the value of shooting these “iconic” subjects, the ones that have been shot so many times by just as many photographers. Lots of people think those shots are of little value. I, personally think you should shoot what makes you happy, after all, I do this for my enjoyment, right?