Photo of the Week #237

As I get more familiar with my new Lumix system, I get more happy with it. I still own some Nikon full frame stuff and will use it a bit more but the Lumix has been delivering so far.

I was trying to get a good shot of the bow of the Keewatin recently and having a 12mm as my widest lens was a challenge as that translates to 24mm in full frame speak. Being as close as I needed to be to the ship, that focal length didn’t get it all in. I had the top but not the water line.I decided to pano it to make it work for me. Several days later, due to rain and clouds, I returned about the same time of day and got my shots. After putting it together in post and tweaking it…..I love it! Does the micro 4/3 system create issues? Sure it does but it’s fun to find the work-around and it doesn’t break my back carrying it around either.

Photo of the Week #236

Well, I’m getting deeper into the Micro 4/3 ecosystem and I have to say, I’m loving it! A really large part of our decision is due to the weight of the full frame gear. Combine that with traveling and you have a very unpleasant situation, Last year when we went to Shetland we took a total of five flights and after all that time spent dragging that gear with me, it will be a huge pleasure to not have to deal with that in the near future. The more I use it and get it set up to my own liking, it is getting a step closer to being my daily driver.

Photo of the Week #235

In a world where people are gravitating toward ever growing MegaPixel counts, my wife and I have begun a leap into the micro four thirds world. For those who don’t know it, it’s a smaller sensor mirror-less camera system. It has some very positive merits to be sure, size and weight being big ones for us. Anyone who has traveled with a bag of full frame gear can relate. The 4/3 high quality sensors combined with some great and useful features makes them a perfect fit for some.

My camera body arrived yesterday and I’m excited to begin the journey!