Photo of the Week #117

I have used an image from this location one other time on here, but this one is a little different. This is Chisolm Mill north of Shannonville and it makes an extremely interesting subject to photograph. This frame is a 20 second exposure and I quite like it. Because of the long exposure, I have smoothed the water quite a bit and also, it has brought out a little bit of the shadow of the building in the water.


Photo of the Week #116

Another revisited image from 2011 in Sedona Arizona. This place is just a photographer’s playground with interesting landscape in pretty much any direction you choose. We were there in monsoon season and were lucky enough to get some pretty dramatic skies many days. This was a time when we were pretty overcast but I could see holes in the clouds. I stayed there hoping the sun would eventually shine through one of those holes and was rewarded with this shot. The sun came in at just the right angle to light up those mountains in this very famous landscape. Many old western movies were filmed in this very location which added a lot of interest for me.


Photo of the Week #115

This image was made in Point Michaud, Nova Scotia on this nice shallow sandy beach. The day was cold and cloudy but just the same there are photographs to be had. I love moody skies anyway so I don’t mind a cloudy sky one bit. This is another using a long exposure to capture the movement in the water as it receaded from the beach back into the sea.

Landscape photographer, Kingston landscape photographer-7004.jpg

Photo of the Week #114

2018 for me was spent doing more concert work than landscape by far, but I did get a couple of exceptional shots just the same. This photograph was made in Tor Bay, Nova Scotia, a place I’ve gone many times before. Typically, Tor Bay has a gentle surf coming in where children play and the odd surfer sometimes braves the cold water. This day was different, as I walked from the car, I saw the huge waves crashing into the rocks causing gigantic spray to fly into the air. I ran back to the car to get my gear, knowing that there wasn’t much light left.

I scrambled around to get my camera on the tripod and placed it behind the large rock using the smaller boulders as a leading line. I waited for the larger waves and tried to time it so I hit the shutter just as one of the biggest waves pounded on the rock, sending it’s spray high into the air, catching the golden light. When this particular wave crashed in, I hit the shutter and I immediately knew I had captured the one I wanted. within maybe 30 seconds of capturing this image, the sun slid behind the trees and the beautiful golden light was gone.

I have since printed out a copy of the image at 24”x36”. It looks stunning and is currently in our livingroom above our couch. if you like this image, you could own a copy, it will be for sale in a limited run in either 16x24 or 24x36 sizes. Printed on archival quality paper to assure many years of enjoyment.


Photo of the Week #113

This photo was made in the Outer Hebrides in Scotland. The Callanish Standing Stones are located on the west coast of the Isle of Lewis and date back about 5000 years! They actually pre-date Stonehenge. These stones are in a pretty remote area requiring about a 3 hour ferry ride followed by another couple of hours driving, but it’s worth it when you finally see it.
