Photo of the Week #111

I spend a lot of time following other photographers. I watch what they are doing and after looking at their work, I often get kind of uninspired because I don’t go to exotic locations and I don’t have their subject matter at my disposal all the time. Southeastern Ontario doesn’t have crashing surf, or mountains, or desert landscapes. Sometimes when you look at others’ work, it’s easy to say “I can’t do that, I don’t have access to those places”. While it is true we don’t have the same subject matter, we do have our own beauty right here in Southeastern Ontario, you just have to learn to spot it. Sometimes the picture is right at your feet.


Photo of the Week #109

Some years it seems that autumn isn’t very colourful but this year it was quite beautiful in most places. This is just a shot I took on the way back from Nova Scotia earlier this month. I think this was in southern Quebec, down near the New Brunswick border.


Photo of the Week #108

Eric Etheridge is a country singer from Sarnia Ontario and until recently you may not have heard of him. That has been changing this summer as he has had some amazing successes in his career lately. he has a brand new album that has generated tons of streams online as has the singles from the album. I first met Eric in Saint Agopit Quebec in June and he really impressed me as being a down to earth guy and is the kind of guy you immediately like. He has no record deal, he does it all himself as an independent which makes what he has accomplished all the more special. I caught up to Eric again last week in Kingston and saw another stellar performance. Congratulations to Eric on all his success so far and I think there will be much more to come from him.


Photo of the Week #107

I have been going through some folders of older things trying to get myself into the mindset for shooting landscapes again. I have been neglecting it so much lately, but I am heading out on an adventure for some serious photo therapy. The image below is from 9 years ago in Shediac New Brunswick. We just happened to be going by this place at the right time when the couple were there looking out over the water that evening.


Photo of the Week #106

As much as I love shooting my concerts, I also love to get out and shoot something else, landscapes. Getting up before daylight and going to a location to photograph some beautiful places and beautiful light is also one of my loves. I have some time booked away from work and between concerts, I am going to sneak away and relax. I plan to spend time by the sea and explore some areas of Nova Scotia I haven’t spent much time in.

The photo below was made in Utah early one morning on the way to Zion National Park. I just love the landscape in the southwest. It’s a place so different from anywhere in Ontario. I was so excited to experience the southwest, a place I had seen all my life in movies but never thought I’d experience for real.
