Photo of the Week # 241

My wife and I just returned from the UK once again, Shetland to be exact. I’ll show some photos from there soon but I wanted to post a couple from St Giles Cathedral in Edinburgh today. This place is mind-blowing in it’s details. Dating back to the late medieval period, it is just loaded with history. Being on the Royal Mile, it is understandably busy and extremely hard to shoot. I decided to concentrate more on the higher details to avoid all the people.

Photo of the Week #137

Today marks not only the last day of 2019, but also the last day of a decade. I spent some time looking through some images from the last ten years to find one that just might be a favourite. This one of a local piece of fishing equipment really is a favourite of mine and for one reason or another, I’m not sure if I’ve ever published it before. It isn’t a big vista or a landmark or anything but I do think it has a lot of detail and shows a piece of equipment from another time, but it is still maintained and used to catch food. These traps are obviously hand made and maintained, I wonder how many lobster have been hauled in using these?

Found in a fishing village in Scotland

Found in a fishing village in Scotland