Photo of the Week # 216

My wife and I recently returned home from a trip to Shetland. Our second since Covid and all has been fine. This trip was a trip of a lifetime as they say. It was more for my wife but I ended up loving it. The landscape was more than I expected and the people were great as well. We did learn a thing or two on the actual traveling. If we were to go again, we could do it smoother as well as considerably cheaper. Experience is valuab;e, right?

This photo is from Eshaness, an especially dramatic and beautiful place we visited twice. I was literally blown away by the beauty here. The high cliffs, the constantly crashing waves coming in and out on the rocks far below. I wanted to capture the movement of the water so I used a 6 stop ND filter since it was quite sunny at the time. At the beginning, there was a bank of sea fog there, I embraced it and started shooting just the same. In the process of my shooting, the fog relented and gave way to sun.

The figure you hopefully can see on the top of the cliff is my wife, it is her “birthday portrait” as she calls it. I finished my shooting and packed my gear up but I didn’t leave. Rather, I sat on a rock and just soaked in all that was happening around me. For personal reasons, it hit me how beautiful this place was and how privileged I was to be there and photographing it. Emotions can be a funny thing.

This photo resides on our entry hall wall as a 20x30 canvas now and is quite possibly the highlight from our trip for me. I hope you enjoy, leave a comment or a like to let me know.