- Photo of the Week #175

This image isn’t any competition winner or anything but I do like the minimalism used in it. When I first went to the maritimes about 17 years ago I was eager to learn all about the fishing industry. In our time there, most of our neighbours were either current or past fishermen and they are just amazing people with tons of interesting stories. As we got to know people there, we felt more at home and accepted by the locals. We explored most parts of the province at least a little, with an emphasis on the north-east mainland where our house is, and Cape Breton Island.

We bought an old house that was built by a lighthouse keeper from the nearby lighthouse when he retired. At first, the house needed lots of TLC and we found that we spent a lot of time working on it during our vacations so eventually it started to become more of a burden, we began to see vacations more as work and less as relaxation. We originally had plans of spending whole summers in the maritimes, only coming back to Ontario when the weather pushed us back this way, but things have a way of changing.

As time has gone by, we found ourselves going to the house less and less and we have decided that the money can be better used in other ways, we just can’t justify keeping the house for the little bit of time it is actually used any more. The time has come to say goodbye to Nova Scotia…… for now.

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