Photo of the Week #146

I am not burdened with being a faithful servant of the truth - Mark Littlejohn

There are many different attitudes regarding processing in photography. There are people who don’t believe in cropping for instance, even to the point of not straightening a crooked horizon as this practice is actually removing pixels. There are people who shoot only in jpeg and take great pains to “get it right” in camera and do almost no post processing work at all. In my own opinion, philosophies like this are just restricting your creativity and enjoyment.

I am not here to tell others how they should shoot or process your images, only what I do for my own work. I used to be extremely bad for shooting to make others happy…….shooting for likes and follows if you will. I eventually came to the conclusion that by doing that, I wasn’t making myself happy or being true to my own creativity. My current philosophy is that I need to shoot and process for myself first and if others enjoy whatever I’m doing, that’s fantastic, but if not, that’s ok too.

The photograph below is a shot that I have always loved for the light. There is something about golden hour light that sneaks in under heavy clouds, love it! The problem was that the image just lacked interest, the sky was a solid colour with almost no detail. I went through my sky folder and found one that would be useful for my purposes. I dropped the sky in using the gradient tool and after some blending, made it work. I now love the photo and hope others do too, but if not……………I made it for me.
