Photo of the Week #135

Sometimes my own favourite shots from shows aren’t what you might think. I like those big epic shots of the star of the show looking right at me, or passionate moments during a solo as much as the next guy. I also like those intimate details in concert photos, or low light shots where shadow area is more prominent. To me, shots with subtle lighting and tones are far superior. Without shadow, you don’t appreciate the subtlety of light. I used to spend all kinds of time trying to recover shadow details and the result is a flat muddy shadow area that just looks terrible. Let shadows be shadows and it looks so much better. This shot is Darren Savard from Dallas Smith’s band. I was at stage right at this time and happened to look over just as Darren came out onto that speaker for a solo. I quickly turned and grabbed a single frame and it turned out to be a favourite of that show. What makes it for me is that hand reaching out to him from the dark. It helps to balance the image.
