Photo of the Week #88

Travel photography has a whole set of issues that goes along with it. You have people to deal with for one thing. Often people will walk into your frame and are completely oblivious to your desire to make a photograph. This often means you're standing there for some time waiting for the scene to clear. The most bothersome issue though, has to be weather conditions. If you're photographing something close to home, you have the luxury of returning the next day, or weekend, to get the light you are looking for. This isn't so with travel photography. You might only be in a location for a day or two, or in some cases, only a few minutes and you have to make the best of the situation you are presented with. When you see those beautiful perfect landscape shots, they are usually results of a great deal of time and patience. The great images are often made by people who have the ability to return to a location over and over, waiting for the right conditions for their vision as opposed to jumping out of a car and clicking a masterpiece. That rarely happens. This image is a result of traveling the Cabot Trail in Cape Breton on a bright and sunny day. Very little in the way of clouds to make the sky of interest, or to diffuse any of the harsh light. I was traveling through and this is what I had to work with. The one thing you cannot manipulate is the weather, right?
