Photo of the Week #63

One of the most popular places in the Page, AZ area is Antelope Canyon. It is a canyon made by millions of years of weather and water cutting a path through the sandstone. To say it's beautiful down there is an understatement. The possibilities for abstract are pretty much endless. The canyon is on the Navajo reservation and is run by two native families. The upper canyon is pretty crowded, but bigger. The lower canyon is more cramped, but also a bit less busy. They run tours on the half hour, but if you bring a tripod, they also allow you into the canyon on your own with a time limit. This is the way to do it! Antelope Canyon is also a place where shooting at high noon is actually beneficial as at this time, the light comes through the narrow openings and finds it's way down to the canyon floor, lighting the beautiful sandstone walls on it's way.