Photo of the Week #19

Sometimes we get sick of shooting in the same locations, I'm guilty of that too, but in the case of Peggy's Cove for some reason, that isn't the case. I've been there at all different times of the day and in most weather conditions too, and I always go back for more. Last Fall when I was in Nova Scotia, I made a plan to stay my last night very near to the Cove to do some night shooting there. As I was approaching the village that afternoon, I could see the fog rolling in off the sea as it so often does there. Oh well, we can't control the weather, right? I checked into my motel and went to the Cove for dinner and to see what I could find. I actually love shooting in "weather" so it didn't bother me much. I'd rather shoot in adverse conditions any day than those clear blue skies with no interest. I spent a couple of hours shooting in the fog and got a few interesting things so it was worth the trip, but the best stuff came the next morning. I awoke very early to hit the road back to Ontario, but when I got up the fog had lifted! I hurriedly got ready and loaded the car, but instead of heading out, I went back up the road to Peggy's Cove first. I was there long before the sun was and I got the stuff I was there for the night before. What a morning of shooting! I shot the lighthouse and all around the harbour in those great early morning conditions. As I placed my tripod back into the trunk and got in the car to head out, the sky opened up and it poured! "What timing", I thought to myself as I pulled away.