Photo of the Week #15

I had spent some time in Seattle trying to get photographs of Mt. Ranier, an active volcano visible from the city, but the weather didn't cooperate with me. As we were lifting off from the airport, I could see the mountain was mostly hidden by clouds as it is a lot of the time. The pilot gave his routine talk asking us to turn off and stow our electronics. I had my camera bag on the floor under the seat ahead of me, as I always do My Camera bag is my carry on, I would never check it.. As we climbed above the clouds, I was amazed to see the summit of Mt Ranier popping out also. Just as I noticed this, the pilot came on and informed us that we were now allowed to use laptops, etc, so, I dove down and got my camera out just in time to shoot this image of the summit of Mt Ranier above the clouds. I didn't get what I really wanted, but this was still a bonus.