Awhile back I took a series of images of these mushrooms in Frontenac Park. I entered one of the series in a club competition. I recieved a Judge’s comment mentioning the clutter on the forest floor around them and a crop problem as well. As an experiment, I cropped this to as tight as I could and darkened the remainder of the background so to pop the mushrooms much more in the frame. I’ll let you be the judge as to whether that judge was correct or not. Is that the Mario Brothers theme song I hear?
Photo of the Week # 182
As I’ve been learning more about Photoshop, I find a lot of enjoyment in using it for more creative images than just routine editing. This is the second image I’ve done that was inspired by Wayne Fisher. The editing technique combined with an interesting perspective can make for a very dramatic and powerful image.
-Photo of the Week #178
The photo this week isn’t terribly recent, but it was something I was working on today. I made this photo about a year ago in Parc Omega in Quebec. A very interesting place to visit.I’m always trying different approaches to editing and this is just one of those shots.