The New Year has just turned as I'm writing this, 2016 is over and many are glad of it. For some reason, we tend to associate a year with events that happen, especially the bad ones. We had a lot of celebrity deaths in 2016, but was it the year? Not at all, it's just that we seemed to not even be able to digest one before the next one was reported it seemed. I grew up as a huge music fan and for me, most of the people I listened to now find themselves in about the same age range, I've been saying for a long time that when they start to go, there might just be a wave of them.....2016 saw that start to happen.
We didn't have our planned New Year's Eve fireworks tonight due to weather conditions, but this is a shot made Canada Day of 2015. Hope you like it. I have published a couple from this night before, but this is a completely new one.