- Photo of the Week # 173

Throughout the pandemic I have had the honour of working with some of the nicest people I’ve met in the music world. I’ve been photographing emerging indie artists at showcases at Happy Green Acres when restrictions have applied. It’s been a lot of fun, with social distancing and all the precautions in place we have still managed to have some live music!

This photo is of Kelsie Mayne from this past weekend. A shot I took from the stage and I really like it. The back lighting and softness of the shot works for me. Kelsi released her first album just before the lockdowns started so hasn’t been able to play it live for all these months so she was very excited to get back at it.

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- Photo of the Week #172

Animals are so beautiful to photograph, but also quite difficult in the wild. The arctic wolf is an animal that is pretty illusive, even if you know what you’re doing. Like so many animals, they aren’t as plentiful as they once were and you can spend a lot of time and have no results. They also live in some of the harshest of environments which makes it even harder to photograph them. This one is at Parc Omega in Montebello, Quebec. The animals roam free with a few exceptions for you to photograph or just to observe

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Photo of the Week #171

After 16 months of not shooting much, live music is starting to wind up once again as restrictions lift. Recently I shot at a festival in honour of Sound Check Entertainments’ 10th Anniversary.. I’ve been around for 6 of those years and last weekend I shot one of my favourite photographs. This is Josh Norad, an independent emerging artist who also happens to be a great guy. Josh was our closer on Saturday night and did an amazing job of it. I loved the image from the start but it had terrible colouring and I just couldn’t make it look right……hence, the black and white. After switching it, I discovered the image was made to be black and white, it works very well. It may even make it into my portfolio.


Photo of the Week #170

We recently went to this very impressive field of sunflowers and played. I found it a bit overwhelming at first with hundreds of thousands of flowers. Compositions are certainly there but you have to work to find them. I did come away with a couple that I really like and this is one of them. The partially open flowers turned out to be my favourites……such detail. The sky that evening was so dramatic that I decided to make use of it.


-Photo of the Week #169

I guess I’ve been missong Nova Scotia a bit lately, been quite a bit since I was there. The travel restrictions have made it impossible to go, but it’s opening up now……maybe this year? Maybe. I love this shot of Louisburg Lighthouse, the light on the tower with that moody sky behind, how could I ask for more?
